Max Buchheit, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada | Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day 2015 Exhibition
Participants (117): Canada  
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Max Buchheit, "First Spring Wildflowers at the Arboretum"
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
pinhole photograph

"It was an overcast day in Ottawa and I had spotted these wildflowers in the city's Arboretum the week before. Fortunately they were still blooming. They are very small, perhaps 1-2 cm (name unknown). Data: 135 format Fuji Superia rated at 200, aperture f139, time 2 sec, focal length 28mm"

"Vintage Russian Zorki 35mm (a Leica knock-off) with a pinhole bodycap. Pinhole crafted by hand to give a f-stop of 139 and full diagonal coverage. Effective focal length 28mm."

Copyright 2015 Max Buchheit All rights reserved.