Steven Lederman, Toronto, Ontario, Canada | Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day 2015 Exhibition
Participants (117): Canada  
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Steven Lederman, "A Cluttered Mind"
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
pinhole photograph

"After a day of pinhole shooting, I realized I had not shot anything in colour. I decided to create this image as a last effort before the end of WWPD. I sat behind the blue box for two minutes but I did not even register! This is a stereo image in crosseye format. Freeview tutorials are online."

camera"Gary Cullen supplied the Rolleidoscop shell; I created a stereo lens board from a Wellington stout beer can. Exposure was 25 min. 15 sec. Pinholes are approximately f218. I can't be certain because my jewelry drills fell out of their case and onto the table and now I don't know which ones are which!"

Copyright 2015 Steven Lederman All rights reserved.