Gustave Lafond, Ornans, Doubs, France | Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day 2015 Exhibition
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Gustave Lafond, "La Loue, sous la passerelle"
Ornans, Doubs, France (member of Daubas-Ornans group)
pinhole photograph

"J'ai emprunté un appareil à jean et je me suis mis au plus près du niveau de la Loue, près de la passerelle; le destin (et un brin de chance) a fait le reste! I borrowed Jean one of his cameras and I went as close as I could to the River Loue level. Fate (and a bit of luck) did the rest..."

"Boite rectangulaire en carton fabriquée par Jean posée au bord de l'eau, chargée avec du papier photo n&b. Hand-made rectangular cardboard camera loaded with B&W photo paper. About F250,Ilford MG paper. Exposure not very long (1 minute ?) because of a lot of facing light above the gangway."

Copyright 2015 Gustave Lafond All rights reserved.