John Tierney, Kilmeage, Co Kildare, Ireland | Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day 2016 Exhibition
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John Tierney, "Trees at the old military cemetery, Curragh"
Kilmeage, Co Kildare, Ireland
pinhole photograph

"Photographed this scene as most of my 'first attempts' have been at this location. It is a great location, The trees, headstones, and lie of the land make it a great photography site."

"Camera: Canon 7D MkII. Lens is a body cap drilled out. Pinhole is a small piece of a drink can, the hole was made using a fine point Stadtler compass point. The cap is mounted on a 31mm (cheap!) 'macro tube'. ISO: 100, Shutter speed: 1.5 seconds Processed in Lightroom: Shadows lightened."

Copyright 2016 John Tierney All rights reserved.