Tanja Romp, Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands | Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day 2016 Exhibition
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Tanja Romp, "Smoking on my stepladder"
Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands
pinhole photograph

"This is my first indoor photo and my first self-portrait with the pinhole camera. It is taken in my studio where I normally paint and draw. I like to smoke on this ladder when I look at a work in progress."

camera"I've made the camera myself from a tiny storage case. The size is 13 x 8 x 4,5 cm. I've made 6 of these camera's for transport in a bigger box, so I can make more photo's at once when I'm outside. Exposure is ± 5 min. The photo paper is Ilford Multigrade IV pearl."

Copyright 2016 Tanja Romp All rights reserved.