Nezabravka Tushnina, Sofia, Sofia-Capital, Bulgaria | Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day 2022 Exhibition
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Nezabravka Tushnina, "Portrait/s"
Sofia, Sofia-Capital, Bulgaria (member of Public Buildings group)
pinhole photograph

"The body of the camera is a beer can with a 15/10 cm sheet of Ilford MULTIGRADE RC Deluxe Satin paper. Pinhole diameter 0.35 mm, f/190, about 2 minutes of exposure. The object is merged portrait of two people changing their position during the exposure."

camera"Body of a beer can with a 15/10 cm sheet of Ilford MULTIGRADE RC Deluxe Satin paper. Pinhole diameter 0.35 mm, f/190, 2 minutes of exposure."

Copyright 2022 Nezabravka Tushnina All rights reserved.