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Steven Lederman, "Letters (Cross-eye Stereo)"
Ontario, Canada (member of Lowered Expectations group)
Ontario, Canada (member of Lowered Expectations group)

"WPPD is usually a day I spend image capturing with my daughter. We were in different provinces that day, but reunited at night. This is my in-laws' front door in Montreal. We lost my Mother-in-law Pearl this year, and it is surreal to open this door and not find her on the other side of it."
"Todd Schlemmer 3D-printed Terrapin Oskar 2 stereo camera with custom anaglyph knobs. Expired AGFA RSX II 100. Camera mounted on a tripod quite close to the front of the door, for I think about 19 seconds. If you cross your eyes gently you will see an image in the middle which will be 3D."