David Usher, Silsden, Bradford, United Kingdom | Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day 2023 Exhibition
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David Usher, "Silsden Memorial Garden"
Silsden, Bradford, United Kingdom
pinhole photograph

"Sunday 30 April was a dull day. This meant 30 second or more exposure so I needed a solid surface near the subject. The bandstand and war memorial have a low pillar at the entrance, ideal for the job. Silsden Memorial Gardens perfect for my Pinhole Day Picture."

"Camera is an old Kodak 120 8 shot box camera with the lens replaced by a pin hole. Film is Fomapan200 processed in Rodinal at 50:1. Digitising was a hand held shot with a Canon A430 digital camera, negative held in Pixl-latre frame. Photshop Elements for image preparation."

Copyright 2023 David Usher All rights reserved.