Raj Muddana, Plain City, Ohio, United States | Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day 2023 Exhibition
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Raj Muddana, "Light Path & Flower Bouquet"
Plain City, Ohio, United States
pinhole photograph

"I experimented with 12 Minutes long exposure shot using a Thingyfy PinHole cap meant for a Nikon D3400 camera, to shoot a flashlight path behind Flower Bouquet. Happy Worldwide Pinhole Day 2023 to all enthusiastic pinhole photographers around the world."

camera"Camera: NIKON D3400 with Thingyfy PinHole PRO S cap, 12 minutes shutter opening, Condition: a dark room, Lightpath behind flowers was for first 2 minutes, rest of the 10 minutes to paint the flowers using iPhone flashlight"

Copyright 2023 Raj Muddana All rights reserved.